Rescue News
On November 5th, 2000, the E.J.R.T.C./now U.R.T.C. held a Fun Day in Yorba Linda, Ca. This event raised over $700.00 to start our "Paws For Thought Rescue". Approximately $500.00 of the proceeds came from the raffle and bake sale.  All the baked goods were donated by the participants of Fun Day. A beautiful acrylic painting was donated by Diane Moore of "Capture The Spirit". The proceeds from this painting were $200.00. This is a wonderful start for our rescue. We are very encouraged by all the support!!

The following donated items to be raffled:
Elk Creek Russells
JRS Jack Russells
Vista Real Ranch Russells

Thank you!!

Thank you also to numerous club members and others who donated to the bake sale and bought raffle tickets. The Jack Russells who are "in-between homes" really appreciate your kindness!!!

At this time, we don't have any dogs waiting to be adopted!!  This is great news!!

We have placed and helped place about 7 other dogs in their forever homes.

We have gotten a huge response from this web site and numerous people have filled out our online application.
Thanks are in order also to Elk Creek Russells for donating 9 kennel panels and 3 insulated dog houses to house these guys.
This page was last updated on: July 9, 2009
We have expanded into 3 states now. We have volunteers in California, Oregon & Utah! This is not bad for just starting our Rescue in November of 2000!!