Zeke is a 4 year old, neutered male Jack Russell Terrier. He is a beautiful brown tri/white color. He is a sweet boy who wants lots of attention and needs lots of love. He loves to be picked up and held. His favorite things are to put his arms around your neck and give you kisses. He also loves to play ball. He is housetrained. He is OK with another female dog but would not do well living with another male. He has not been around cats. He cannot go to a home with young children. His idea home would be with someone who would patiently remind him to be a well behaved pet, let him run and play outside and play ball with him. He loves to go for long walks. He is current on his shots, microchipped and anxiously waiting for his new forever home.
If you are interested in him, please fill out an application. If you have any questions, please email: pawsftrescue@yahoo.com or call: 909 928-1155. He is currently being fostered in Riverside County, Ca.